Our interconnected network currently has a local presence in New York (NY) and Berlin (DE). The main organizers of engagement with these local sites are co-founders Eulas Pizarro (New York, USA) and Natalia Ivanova (Berlin, DE). As a Web3 company, we practice distributed decision-making, management, and entity ownership, connecting the world to the local creative framework. The global points of engagement include artists, affinity groups, industry partners, city and state agencies, social entrepreneurs, and funding bodies.
Our team of consultants includes experts in the art market, alternative economies, law, finance, taxation, management, technology, nonprofit leadership, cryptocurrency, development and fundraising.
Art professional with 20 plus years of experience and background well versed in the contemporary gallery, auction and museum world. An accomplished visual artist, writer, thinker and gallery director whose critical gaze and insight into contemporary art and conceptual concerns allow for a unique and singular approach.
Curator, arts adminisand published author whose practice has, over the last two decades, largely addressed the role of art and culture in the commons, and what constitutes public practice – artistically, aesthetically, and intellectually – during a time of radical changes in the cultural landscape of the United States.
Ram & Leo Art Agency
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